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TIMSS 1999 International
Science Report
Findings from IEA's Repeat of the Third International
Mathematics and Science Study at the Eighth Grade
Michael O. Martin, Ina V.S. Mullis, Eugenio J. Gonzalez,
Kelvin D. Gregory, Teresa A. Smith, Steven J. Chrostowski, Robert A. Garden,
Kathleen M. O'Connor
the entire report, (5089K)
Download by Chapter (see table
Errata for the printed version of the report
The above electronic files include the changes noted
Exhibit 2
Page 19 |
Years of formal schooling for the Czech
Republic is 8. |
Exhibit 3.2
Page 104 |
error bars displaying the 95% confidence interval for the average
achievement for each content area for Australia have been corrected. |
Page 149 |
In biology, the percentage of boys is
significantly greater than the percentage of girls at the low index
level in the Netherlands and Slovenia (in addition to other countries
so indicated), as well as for the international average. |
Exhibit 6.2
Page 200 |
The description of the different major
areas of study for earth science and physics teachers having science
as the major area of study in footnote 1 has been corrected. |
Exhibit 6.5
Page 213 |
In biology, Belgium (Flemish) and Bulgaria,
in addition to Morocco, are annotated with an "r" to indicate that
teacher response data are available for 70-84% of students. In physics,
Morocco is not annotated with an "r." |
Exhibit 6.14
Page 232 |
The standard error for the international
average achievement for students at the low index level in earth science
is 2.2. |
Exhibit R3.8
Page 320 |
The international average for the percentage
of formally scheduled school time averaged across students for teaching
science, mathematics, and other subjects is 71 with a standard error
of 0.2. |
Exhibit D.1
Page 386 |
Corrections were made to all standard
errors. |
Page 393 |
Jan Van Damme has been added to the list
of individuals acknowledged for Belgium (Flemish). |
Several |
Information made available after publication
of the report required that the sampling weights for Belgium (Flemish)
be recomputed. The adjusted sampling weights resulted in slightly
but not significantly different calculations for Belgium (Flemish)
in the following exhibits: Exhibit 1.6, page 43; Exhibit 4.1, page
120; Exhibit 4.2, page 123; Exhibit 4.4, page 125; Exhibit 4.5, page
128; Exhibit 4.7, page 131; Exhibit 4.8, pages 134 and 136; Exhibit
4.10, pages 144 and 146; Exhibit 6.6, page 215; Exhibit 7.1, page
254; Exhibit 7.5, page 262; Exhibit R1.3, page 274; Exhibit R1.5,
page 276; Exhibit D.1, page 386; Exhibit D.2, page 387. This also
resulted in slightly but not significantly different international
averages in Exhibit 4.2 and Exhibit 6.6. |
