The achievement reports are also available
in printed and bound volumes which can be ordered for $20.00 US.
Shipping and handling included for orders within the United States.
International orders require an additional $5.00 US (each book)
for shipping.
Publications are available at no cost in Portable
Document Format (PDF) on the Publications pages. If you need to
download a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader©, which will enable
you to read and print the reports, press the icon below.

TIMSS 1999 International
Achievement Reports
These reports present mathematics and science achievement
results for the eighth-grade students from 38 countries that participated
in TIMSS in 1999. Trend data also are included for 26 countries
that participated in TIMSS in 1995. To provide a context for interpreting
the achievement results, the reports present extensive information
on the mathematics and science curriculum in each country, as well
as detailed background data provided by the students, their mathematics
and science teachers, and their school principals.
1999 International Mathematics Report |
Findings from IEA's Repeat
of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the
Eighth Grade
Get the report
for the printed report
1999 International Science Report |
Findings from IEA's Repeat
of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the
Eighth Grade
Get the
for the printed report
1999 Technical Report |
Description of the methods
and procedures used in IEA's Repeat of the Third International Mathematics
and Science Study at the eighth grade
the report
1999 International Database |
Supporting Documentation
and data files for partticipating countries
Get the materials
Released Item Sets can be found on the Instruments
and Procedures page.
For the U.S. TIMSS-R report, Pursuing
Excellence: Comparisons of International Eighth-Grade Mathematics and
Science Achievement from a U.S. Perspective, 1995 and 1999, visit
the National Center for Educational
Statistics (NCES) web site.
Publications are available in Portable Document
Format (PDF) on the Publications pages. If you need to download a copy
of Adobe Acrobat Reader©, which will enable you to read and print
the reports, press the icon below.
Press here for information on Acrobat Reader
